平成23年1月には、シンガポールで第16回目の交流会議が開催されました。伊藤知事とサム・タンシンガポール外務省上級政務次官をトップとした協議が行われ、経済交流、観光交流、人的交流などの各分野での交流促進について、活発な意見交換が行われるとともに、今後の具体的な交流プログラム 10項目について合意がなされました。
According from the Kagoshima Prefecture HP, Kagoshima Prefecture has exchanged a talk on matters of mutual interest with Singapore from 1982.
In January 2011, the Singapore-Kagoshima 16th meeting was held in Singapore.
There are various field of exchanges such as business,academic, cultural and sports.
Sam Tan Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Yuichiro Ito the governor of Kagoshima talked and agreed with 10 items exchange program specific.
Kagoshima Prefecture is famous for various rich crops, nature such as Sakurajima volcano, a lot of hot springs.
There were some fairs during the meeting, and they introduced special prodcuts in Kagoshima.